Our Purpose

Our mission is to apply all that we have and all that we are to serve and protect the most vulnerable in our society through the creative efforts of Buttermilk Cafe and by supporting other charitable organizations that are doing this powerful work.

What do we do?

Create. Provide. Partner. Educate. GIVE. We love God and we love others.

We partner with the local church body to be a gathering place for the community. We partner with artists to grow and share their gifts with others. We partner with volunteers to use their gifts to serve in the community. We partner with charities to share & support their mission. We give our profits to other missions & charitable organizations to support their work in our community.

Through these partnerships, we further the kingdom agenda to serve the poor, care for the orphan, and protect the innocent.

Our motivation is found in Matthew 10:39, where it states, “Whoever finds their life will lose it and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”

Buttermilk Gives Foundation is a 501(c)3

Want to get involved? Contact us.

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